Utilities for your KoalaKey
This page is for the tools and utilities needed to get the most out of your KoalaKey and will be updated when they are available.
We are working on an all in one KoalaKey GUI management tool which will combine all tools and utilities described here.
Tools for GumTreeCLI
This tools provided below are meant to help with using the GumTreeCLI utility. Please see the Wiki for more details about each.
A public google spreadsheet with formulas for generating the same output will be added shortly. All tools provided here use html and Javascript only and can be downloaded for offline use. We aim to provide transparency and flexibility with these tools.
Software scripter
To use the KoalaKey’s onboard software interpreter a script must be provided for execution.
Currently scripts are limited in size and have an inbuilt execution limit, however these are still quite extensive. A C style psuedo code version of this tool is coming soon, currently we provide a block based GUI tool. Scripts made by this tool can be stored as a script file or conveniently distributed as a URL.
Please see some example scripts in the Wiki.
Brute force configuration
The brute force settings on the KoalaKey control how the KoalaKey will behave and it’s detection limits. This tool generates a hexadecimal string for use with GumTreeCLI.
Keyboard output
Keyboard output on the KoalaKey is handled by storing ASCII characters, which is then pass through a HID keyboard encoding table. Please use an ASCII to hex converter to configure the keyboard output of the KoalaKey.