Warranty and Support information
Please retain proof of purchase and product!
Manufacturer’s Warranty Information
This warranty is provided to you by AuthTech (ABN: 33 638 585 770), an Australian company of suite 2.06, 32 Delhi Road, NSW, 2113, email: warranty (at) koalakey.com, please replace (at) with the @ symbol.
The benefits we give in this manufacturer’s warranty are additional to any rights and remedies that you may have under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Australia) and other applicable local consumer protection laws or equivalent in the country of purchase.
This manufacturer’s warranty is not intended to
- Modify or exclude any rights under consumer law that cannot be lawfully changed or excluded, or
- Limit or exclude any right you have against the person who sold the AuthTech product to you if that person has breached their sales contract with you.
Warranty coverage
Authtech warrants that this KoalaKey product and any associated software (ie. software for usage of the product provided by AuthTech) will be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use during the Warranty Period as defined below (Product Warranty). The product will work as advertised and will not be faulty during the Warranty Period.
Note that only original end-user purchasers of the product are covered.
Duration of warranty
The warranty period begins on the date the product was purchased by the original end-user purchaser. For new, refurbished, repaired and/or replacement products: 1 year and associated software (if provided with product): 90 days.
A claim under warranty is only eligible if it is made within the warranty period.
Warranty coverage is not provided for:
- The connected equipment.
- For any services associated with the connected equipment, or any remedies offered or provided by the manufacturer of the connected equipment,
- In relation to software or services, provided by AuthTech or any third party, included in or with the product other then the warranty for associated software described above in this warranty,
- That the product, software, or services will always operate uninterrupted or error free,
- That the product, software or services or any equipment, system or net on which the product, software or services are used are 100% secure and cannot be hacked,
- That a third party service the product needs will always be available.
Note: Although AuthTech does not make these promises on this warranty, you may have additional rights under local consumer laws in the country of purchase.
This Product warranty does not apply if:
- The product has been tampered with or the assembly seal has been removed or damaged,
- The product has been altered or modified by someone other than AuthTech,
- The Warranty claim was made fraudulently or by misrepresentation,
- The product was not installed, operated, repaired, or maintained in accordance with AuthTech’s instructions,
- The product has been subjected to abnormal physical or electrical stress, misuse, negligence, or accidents,
- Damage to the product is cosmetic, including scratches and dents, or defects caused by normal ageing of the product,
- The serial number on the product has been altered, illegibly defaced, or removed,
- The product was supplied or licensed for beta, evaluation, testing or demonstration purposes, and was not bought.
Note: Although this warranty does not apply in these situations, you may have additional rights under local consumer laws in the country of purchase.
How will AuthTech handle warranty claims?
If you make an eligible claim under this warranty, AuthTech will, under its election:
- Replace the product with a reasonable available equivalent new product or
- Refund you the purchase price of the product, minus any rebates and discounts
Any replacement products are warranted for the warranty period for new products. All products and parts that are replaced become the property of AuthTech. All existing data will be deleted and permanently lost.
Note: The rights and remedies outlined above are the only rights and remedies available under this warranty. However, you may have additional rights under local consumer laws in the country of purchase.
General exclusions and limitations of liability:
If a supply under this warranty is a supply of goods or services to a consumer within the meaning of the Australian Consumer Law, nothing contained in this warranty excludes, restricts or modifies the application of any provision, the exercise of any rights or remedy, or the imposition of any liability under the Australian Consumer Law, provided that, other than as expressly provided under the Manufacturer’s Warranty, to the extent that the Australian Consumer Law permits AuthTech to limit its liability, then AuthTech’s liability shall be limited to:
- In the case of services, supplying the services again or payment of the cost of having the services supplied again; and
- In the case of goods, replacing the goods, supplying equivalent goods or repairing the goods, or payment of the cost of replacing the goods, supplying equivalent goods or having the goods repaired.
Other than as expressly provided under the Manufacturer’s Warranty, and subject to the above provisions in relation to the Australian Consumer Law, to the full extent permitted by law, AuthTech:
- Excludes all other conditions, guarantees, rights, remedies, liabilities, representations, warranties and other implied or express terms, conferred by statute, custom or the general law that impose any liability or obligation on AuthTech, including but not limited to any implied warranties of non-infringement, loss of or damage to data, lack of viruses or free from virus or malware attack, security, performance, lack of negligence, workmanlike effort, that the functions contained in the product will meet your requirements, or that defects in the product will be corrected, or that your use of the product will generate accurate, reliable, timely results, information, material or data.
- Excludes all liability for the loss of, or damage to, data caused by use of AuthTech’s products or its repair.
- Excludes any liability it may have to your for:
- Loss of revenue or profit,
- Loss of the ability to use any third-party products, software or services and
- Any indirect, consequential, special, incidental or punitive loss or damages (including but not limited to loss of use, data, business interruption or cost of procuring substitute services) which arises under any law (including the law of negligence) and relates to your use, or inability to use an AuthTech product or software, or any related services. This exclusion applies even if AuthTech has been advised of the possibility of such damages and even if any warranty or remedy provided under this Manufacturer’s Warranty fails for its essential purposes, and limits its monetary liability to you, under any law, to the price that you paid for the AuthTech product.
References in this section to “indirect, consequential, special or incidental losses” shall mean any losses which:
- Were not reasonably foreseeable by both parties, and/or
- Were known to you but not to AuthTech and/or
- Were reasonably foreseeable by both parties but could have been reasonably prevented by you such as, for example (but without limitation) losses caused by viruses, Trojans or other malicious programs, or loss of or damage to your data or improper use of the product’s security features.
These terms are the terms of the Manufacturer’s Warranty. No oral or written information or advice given by AuthTech, a dealer, agent or affiliate forms part of this Manufacturer’s Warranty.
If any term is held to be illegal or unenforceable, the legality or enforceability of the remaining terms shall not be affected or impaired.
Warranty support help
How to get help
If you have a question about your product or experience a problem with it, please go to koalakey.com/warranty or koalakey.com/support for technical assistance.
What do I need to do to be entitled to claim under this warranty?
Email our AuthTech warranty team to claim: warranty (at) koalakey.com
You will need to provide some information when you contact us such as your contact details and the part number (also known as model/serial number of your product, this is usually located on the side of the product), a detailed description of the problem and a dated proof of original purchase.
We may need to send the product back to AuthTech or our designated repair facility so that we can replace it. We will let you know when you contact us. If we ask you to return your product to us by post, you will be given a return materials authorizations (RMA) number and we’ll tell you where to send the product to.
You will need to make sure that the product is properly packaged and shipped. You will be responsible for any reasonable costs of returning your product to us. We need to identify your product when it reaches us, so you’ll need to include the RMA number AND a copy of your dated proof of original purchase (please keep the original) with the returned product. We also recommend that you send the package by registered and insured mail or by overnight courier to protect the package while it is in transit.
What happens when I return my product under this warranty?
Defective products covered by this warranty will be replaced without charge, or AuthTech will provide you with a refund of the purchase price of the product, minus any rebates and discounts. The remedy offered will be determined by AuthTech in its sole discretion.
We can only ship replacement products to locations in the country where the original product was purchased.
AuthTech will need to delete all of your data to replace your product. In Australia, if you provide your old product for us to replace with another product, we will wipe all data from the old product. We do not retain a copy of the wiped data and it can not be recovered/unencrypted. AuthTech may also install software updates as part of warranty service.
Please make sure that you backup all of your data on the product and/or connected equipment before sending it in for replacement. AuthTech is not responsible for any loss of data or software during warranty service.
Replacements not covered under warranty or your rights under the Australian Consumer Law (or other applicable Australian consumer protection laws) may be refused by your place of purchase, or may be subject to change.
Technical support:
This warranty is not a service or support contract. Details on our technical support offerings and policies (including any applicable fees) can be at: koalakey.com/support
For additional support beyond website resources or for assistance on advanced features, please contact our technical support team at support (at) koalakey.com to learn more about how we can help you get the most out of your product.